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So far Jürgen Habringer has created 99 blog entries.

Testsieger bei Taxi-Bestell-Apps: taxi.eu


Testsieger bei Taxi-Bestell-Apps: taxi.eu Wien, Berlin, 27.01.2022 - Ein privates Marktforschungsinstitut hat sechs Smartphone-Apps zur Taxibestellung getestet. Taxi.eu erhielt als einzige das Urteil „sehr gut“. Uber belegt den vorletzten Platz. Das Deutsche Institut für Service-Qualität (DISQ) hat bei den sechs getesteten Apps die „Bedienungsfreundlichkeit“ und den „Nutzwert“ unter die Lupe genommen. Die Untersuchung umfasste 30 Betrachtungen der Apps durch geschulte Nutzer sowie sechs Analysen des Nutzwerts (Funktionen und Inhalte) der mobilen Anwendungen. Bei den Tests des kommerziellen Vergleichsportals können die Produkte jeweils bis zu 100 Punkte erreichen. Mit einem Durchschnittswert von 73,3 Punkten schneiden die Taxi-Apps insgesamt gut ab, [...]

Testsieger bei Taxi-Bestell-Apps: taxi.eu2022-12-28T10:55:31+01:00

Increase driver safety with the Smart Emergency Assistant (SEMA)


Increase driver safety with the Smart Emergency Assistant (SEMA) “Dangerous situations in taxis are a sad reality. fms/Austrosoft has further improved the emergency feature in the driver app to improve the safety in the taxi working environment. In case of an emergency call, dispatchers can now “listen into the car” and “have a look” in the car even faster. By doing so, the situation in the vehicle can be quickly assessed and help can be requested. Sound and image recordings subsequently help to secure evidence. The full function of [...]

Increase driver safety with the Smart Emergency Assistant (SEMA)2021-12-20T12:32:56+01:00

Mobile payment is a success story


FMS/AUSTROSOFT | SOFTWARE | MOBILE PAYMENT Mobile payment is a success story In March 2021, fms/Austrosoft re-launched mobile payment for its taxi apps with a new payment service partner. This payment service has evolved with great success for the participating taxi centres. Robert Abel, CEO fms GmbH Mobile payment in taxi app Mobile payment is a success story Vienna, 21.09.2021 - Taxi dispatch centres using fms/Austrosoft's consumer apps now offer modern payment methods such as credit cards, PayPal, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay or Google Pay. The new payment service partner provides reliable measures for data security, [...]

Mobile payment is a success story2021-09-22T14:03:32+02:00

Brand-new taxi app wins audience award


FMS/AUSTROSOFT | SOFTWARE | APP DEVELOPMENT Brand-new taxi app wins audience award TCA is the leading taxi company in Amsterdam and has recently started launching the brand-new app generation from fms/Austrosoft. The taxi app configured for TCA convinced the public vote with competitive products, high usability and attractive design. Robert Abel, CEO fms/Austrosoft Hedy Borremann, CEO TCA Amsterdam Brand-new taxi app from TCA Amsterdam Brand-new taxi app wins audience award Vienna/Amsterdam, 21.06.2021 – MKB-Amsterdam is the representative of interests for SME in the Dutch capital and holds regular awards as part of its "Products of [...]

Brand-new taxi app wins audience award2021-07-01T16:02:20+02:00

Setting up app payment


Instructions Extend your offerings Your passengers will be happy to join comfortable payment option with the customer app. You can offer four different payment methods that passengers can deposit in the customer app. Credit Card PayPal Amazon Pay Apple Pay Google Pay Applying for App Payment Download the App Payment Agreement and the End Customer App Payment here, and complete the documentation. Please send the signed App Payment Agreement back to . We then activate the app payment for your [...]

Setting up app payment2021-07-07T14:49:48+02:00

Mehr Fahrten von Großkunden


Mehr Fahrten von Großkunden Durch die Nutzung eines Business-Portals wird die Fahrtenverwaltung für eine weltweite Consulting-Firma einfacher und effizienter. Eine Züricher Taxizentrale konnte dadurch den Fahrt-Umsatz um 42 Prozent steigern. VON JÜRGEN HARTMANN Mehr Fahrten von Großkunden Geschäftskunden sind für Taxizentralen ein wichtiger Baustein, um das Volumen vermittelter Fahrten hochzuhalten. Im Idealfall weist ein Unternehmen alle Mitarbeiter an, das Taxi oder den Mietwagen einheitlich bei einem Anbieter zu bestellen. Damit es dazu kommt, sollten optimale Voraussetzungen geschaffen werden: Eine einfache Fahrtenbuchung, eine sofortige Zuteilung auf die richtige Kostenstelle des Unternehmens sowie eine automatisierte und bargeldlose Abrechnung [...]

Mehr Fahrten von Großkunden2021-05-14T17:09:14+02:00

Huawei AppGallery: taxi.eu is the first and only taxi app


FMS/AUSTROSOFT | SOFTWARE | APP DEVELOPMENT Huawei AppGallery: taxi.eu is the first and only taxi app In addition to the PlayStore from Google and the App Store from Apple, taxi.eu is also available in the Huawei AppGallery. Thus, the taxi.eu community's taxi centres get more orders thanks to increased coverage and awareness. . Huawei Smartphone seitlich mit taxi.eu App Huawei Smartphone vorne mit taxi.eu App Huawei AppGallery: taxi.eu ist erste und einzige Taxi-App Vienna, 15.10.2020 – Due to trade dispute with the United States Huawei is not allowed to use Google's PlayStore as well [...]

Huawei AppGallery: taxi.eu is the first and only taxi app2021-07-01T16:03:29+02:00

fms/Austrosoft pushes digital solutions for taxi and courier services


FMS/AUSTROSOFT | SOFTWARE | NEWS fms/Austrosoft pushes digital solutions for taxi and courier services fms/Austrosoft uses the time during corona restrictions to bring modern innovations for tomorrow's mobility solutions to market today. fms Callbot Business portal Digital Basic Recording New app generation 1 New app generation 2 fms/Austrosoft pushes digital solutions for taxi and courier services_English Vienna/Graz, 17.09.2020 – fms/Austrosoft is a leading technology provider of complete solutions for dispatching of vehicle fleets. During the corona-induced restrictions, all forces were bundled to consistently progress the digital mobility solutions for tomorrow. "We have used the last [...]

fms/Austrosoft pushes digital solutions for taxi and courier services2020-09-29T15:52:11+02:00

Corona: Einkauf und elektronische Bezahlung per Bestell-App


Corona: Einkauf und elektronische Bezahlung per Bestell-App Wien - Berlin, 09.04.2020 - Taxi Berlin bietet seit Kurzem Einkaufsfahrten mit elektronischer Bestellliste in seiner fms-basierten Bestell-App an. Die Bezahlung für Waren und Lieferung erfolgt mit einem einzigen Vorgang in der App. Der Software-Entwickler ermöglicht die Implementierung dieses Features jetzt auch den anderen Zentralen. Pressespiegel Online

Corona: Einkauf und elektronische Bezahlung per Bestell-App2022-09-22T14:25:12+02:00

fms Academy: Live in Stuttgart!


Health insurance rides: QR Code saves time and money! "Live in Stuttgart: The latest fms-Academy live took place in cooperation with TAZ Taxi-Auto dispatch centre in Stuttgart. Representatives from nine dispatch centres attended. In the course of the event, the participants were able to exchange ideas and information among themselves and with fms/Austrosoft. The top topic: simpler and faster processing of health insurance rides to speed up the invoicing with the health insurers. This saves time and money and increases customer satisfaction.” [...]

fms Academy: Live in Stuttgart!2020-03-02T14:09:30+01:00
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